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Bryant Fitness, Strengthening,



Workouts with Bryant PT and Wellness
Mobility with Bryant PT and Wellness
Workout mechanics with Bryant PT and Wellness
Squats with Bryant PT and Wellness
Running with Bryant PT and Wellness
Stretching with Bryant PT and Wellness


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What are your exercise and wellness goals?


Speaking of exercise and fitness: Sometimes, we start an exercise program and never finish it. Sometimes when entering into a fitness routine, someone may not understand techniques and posture that may prevent injury and/or reduce energy expenditure and effort. The latter could make exercise reasonably more enjoyable and comfortable. This may be true in strength training, running, or other activities. Posture and technique matters. I have noticed weaknesses, flexibility limitations, and other deficits, by observing a person's form in exercise. Deficits may be addressed with additional and simple exercises. Pain and/or injury may develop when we neglect unknown deficits. Regardless, fitness and strength and flexibility are additional keys to improving and maintaining your overall health. 


Also, awareness is important to mention and part of improving our physical and overall health. Often moving through exercises slowly with focus and awareness of breathing technique, muscle use, common areas of over activity or compensations, and addressing the areas holding tension and stress, will have a positive impact on our physical and overall health. How many times have you rushed through exercise? How often have you taken your time and really focused on how your body and mind is performing and reacting?

Service includes:

Single or multiple consultations

Technique, form, posture, flexibility, and/or strength assessments per request, with an exercise program to address such.

Wellness and awareness sessions moving through exercise together, with your overall health and goals in mind

Strengthening exercise programs per request, based on your fitness and wellness goals


My goal is to help you improve and meet your goals conveniently, including offering appointments without a commute, and outside of work hours, evenings and Saturdays. We will be a team, as you learn techniques to meet your goals and improve your health and fitness. 

Alyssa Bryant, DPT, PT, IINHC
  • Doctor of Physical Therapy, Licensed PT in MS

University of Mississippi Medical Center Alumni

  • Bachelor of Science

  • Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Mississippi State University

Institute of Integrative Nutrition and State University of New York



Tel: 601-308-3771

Fax: 601-724-8679

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